トランプ最高裁判決 ★英語ニュースの単語と読解ができれば資格・試験・仕事にも役立つはず★ 例文 The US Supreme Court has struck down efforts by individual states to disqualify Donald Trump from running for president using an anti-insurrection con…
ウクライナのクリミアへの攻撃 ★英語ニュースの単語と読解ができれば資格・試験・仕事にも役立つはず★ 例文 A series of explosions have rocked Crimea, after a reported Ukrainian drone attack on the peninsula which was illegally annexed by Russia in…
イーロンマスクがOpen AIに訴訟提起 ★英語ニュースの単語と読解ができれば資格・試験・仕事にも役立つはず★ 例文 Elon Musk is suing OpenAI, the makers of ChatGPT, arguing it has breached the principles he agreed to when he helped found it in 2015. …